
Basically, an off-plan property investment means purchasing a complex before the actual construction is complete. It’s committing to an idea before seeing the final result. Your decision is made by seeing the initial plans of the property, the blueprints plus, the impression created by the artist of what the final building will look like. For regular home buyers, buying off-plan is sometimes the only sure way of securing a home in a market where the demand surpasses supply. Buy-to-let investors are particularly interested in such properties due to their high potential of giving returns on their initial expenditure/capital.

Most buyers are attracted to off-plan due to the promise of property appreciation. It is among the major financial factors used to determine the success of buy-to-let property investment, along with rental returns. Signing up for a deal before the construction is complete, or sometimes even before the construction starts increases the chances of getting a low entry price. Developers offer low prices at the beginning of a project to make sure they secure buyers and investors as soon as possible. This indicates that if you buy a property early enough in an area where house market is on the rise, there is a high probability that your investment will appreciate even before the complex is ready for occupancy. Hence, the most crucial part of an off-plan investment is getting a great location.

Since the actual property is not available for viewing at the time of purchase, identifying a location with the potential of being a successful investment is paramount. For buy-to-let investors, they should consider the level of rental demand in that particular location. The price trend is also another factor to consider for investors who want to get low-cost entry price, but at the same time have expectations that the property will increase its value.